Income Inequality: The Canadian Story

Edited by David A. Green, W. Craig Riddell and France St-Hilaire
The Institute for Research on Public Policy, in collaboration with the Canadian Labour Market and Skills Researcher Network, has gathered some of the country’s leading experts to provide new evidence on the causes and effects of growing income inequality in Canada and the role of policy. Their research and analysis is collected in this volume, the fifth in the IRPP’s The Art of the State series. To purchase a copy, please visit the IRPP store. Some chapters are available online.



Income Inequality in Canada: Driving Forces, Outcomes and Policy

David A. Green, W. Craig Riddell and France St-Hilaire

Part 1: Inequality Trends in Canada

Trends in Income Inequality in Canada and Elsewhere

Andrew Heisz

Who Are Canada’s Top 1 Percent?

Thomas Lemieux and W. Craig Riddell

What Has Happened to Middle-Class Earnings in Canada?

Charles M. Beach

Poverty Dynamics among Vulnerable Groups in Canada

Tony Fang and Morley Gunderson

Consumption Inequality in Canada, 1997-2009

Sam Norris and Krishna Pendakur

Part 3: The Role of Policy

Why More Education Will Not Solve Rising Inequality (and May Make It Worse)

Kelly Foley and David A. Green

Can Labour Relations Reform Reduce Wage Inequality?

Scott Legree, Tammy Schirle and Mikal Skuterud

The Role of Taxes and Transfers in Reducing Income Inequality

Andrew Heisz and Brian Murphy

Provincial Taxation of High Incomes: The Effects on Progressivity and Tax Revenue

Kevin Milligan and Michael Smart

Framing the New Inequality: The Politics of Income Redistribution in Canada

Keith Banting and John Myles

Part 2: Driving Forces and Outcomes

Has the Canadian Labour Market Polarized?

David A. Green and Benjamin M. Sand

Changes in Wage Inequality in Canada: An Interprovincial Perspective

Nicole M. Fortin and Thomas Lemieux

The Distributional Impacts of an Energy Boom in Western Canada

Joseph Marchand

Immigration, Poverty and Income Inequality in Canada

Garnett Picot and Feng Hou

Technological Change and Declining Immigrants’ Earnings Outcomes: Implications for Income Inequality in Canada

Casey Warman and Christopher Worswick

What’s So Bad about Increasing Inequality in Canada?

Lars Osberg


Notes on Contributors

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