As part of the Canadian Economics Association’s 47th annual conference, held in Montreal on May 31- June 2, 2013, the IRPP organized three policy panels on the topics of Canada’s labour markets; federal-provincial fiscal relations; and foreign direct investment rules. The Institute also sponsored a reception for conference attendees.
Canada’s Labour Market in the Upcoming Decade: Prospects and Policy Issues
Friday May 31, 2013
Chair: Tyler Meredith (IRPP)
“Canada’s Labour Market in the Upcoming Decade: The Starting Point, the Prospects and the Policy Issues”
Cliff Halliwell (formerly of HRSDC)
Comments on: “Canada’s Labour Market in the Upcoming Decade”
David Green (University of British Columbia)
“Canada’s Competitive Landscape: Labour Market Challenges”
Pedro Antunes (Conference Board of Canada)
The Future of Federal-Provincial Relations and Fiscal Arrangements
Friday May 31, 2013
Chair: France St-Hilaire (IRPP)
“Fiscal Sustainability in Canada”
Chris Matier (Parliamentary Budget Office)
“Decentralized Federalism and Provincial Control of Resources: A Difficult Combination”
Robin Boadway (Queen’s University)
“Surplus Recycling and the Canadian Federation: Addressing Horizontal and Fiscal Imbalances”
Thomas J. Courchene (Queen’s University and IRPP Senior Scholar)
Foreign Direct Investment Rules in Canada: What Happens after CNOOC-Nexen?
Saturday June 1, 2013
Chair: Chris Ragan (McGill University)
“Foreign Direct Investment and the National Interest: A Way Forward”
Dany Assaf (Torys LLP)
Opening remarks and panel discussion
Paul Boothe (Western University)
Opening remarks and panel discussion
Jim Stanford (Canadian Auto Workers)