IRPP Event

Canadian Economics Association – Annual Conference 2013

As part of the Canadian Economics Association’s 47th annual conference, held in Montreal on May 31- June 2, 2013, the IRPP organized three policy panels on the topics of Canada’s labour markets; federal-provincial fiscal relations; and foreign direct investment rules. The Institute also sponsored a reception for conference attendees.


Canada’s Labour Market in the Upcoming Decade: Prospects and Policy Issues

Friday May 31, 2013
Chair: Tyler Meredith (IRPP)

“Canada’s Labour Market in the Upcoming Decade: The Starting Point, the Prospects and the Policy Issues”
Cliff Halliwell (formerly of HRSDC)

Comments on: “Canada’s Labour Market in the Upcoming Decade”
David Green (University of British Columbia)

“Canada’s Competitive Landscape: Labour Market Challenges”
Pedro Antunes (Conference Board of Canada)

The Future of Federal-Provincial Relations and Fiscal Arrangements

Friday May 31, 2013
Chair: France St-Hilaire (IRPP)

“Fiscal Sustainability in Canada”
Chris Matier (Parliamentary Budget Office)

“Decentralized Federalism and Provincial Control of Resources: A Difficult Combination”
Robin Boadway (Queen’s University)

“Surplus Recycling and the Canadian Federation: Addressing Horizontal and Fiscal Imbalances”
Thomas J. Courchene (Queen’s University and IRPP Senior Scholar)

Foreign Direct Investment Rules in Canada: What Happens after CNOOC-Nexen?

Saturday June 1, 2013
Chair: Chris Ragan (McGill University)

“Foreign Direct Investment and the National Interest: A Way Forward”
Dany Assaf (Torys LLP)

Opening remarks and panel discussion
Paul Boothe (Western University)

Opening remarks and panel discussion
Jim Stanford (Canadian Auto Workers)

Date and time
May 31, 2013
Event Type
Registration is closed