Les impĂŽts et les programmes de transfert jouent un rĂŽle clĂ© pour rĂ©duire les inĂ©galitĂ©s de revenu au Canada. Des Ă©tudes portant sur les annĂ©es 1980 et 1990 avaient montrĂ© que la croissance de l’inĂ©galitĂ© des revenus d’emploi et d’investissement Ă©tait alors compensĂ©e par un systĂšme d’imposition et de transfert de plus en plus redistributif, qui a empĂȘchĂ© jusqu’au milieu des annĂ©es 1990 l’accroissement de l’inĂ©galitĂ© du revenu net d’impĂŽt. Mais dans la seconde moitiĂ© des annĂ©es 1990, on a observĂ© un recul de la redistribution rĂ©alisĂ©e par le systĂšme d’imposition et les programmes gouvernementaux, ce recul ayant coĂŻncidĂ© avec une augmentation des inĂ©galitĂ©s de revenu.
Dans ce chapitre, les chercheurs de Statistique Canada Andrew Heisz et Brian Murphy mesurent et analysent l’incidence redistributive des diffĂ©rents programmes de transfert et d’impĂŽt fĂ©dĂ©ral et provincial sur le revenu depuis 1976. Ils rĂ©partissent la redistribution assurĂ©e par chaque programme â c’est-Ă -dire le montant permettant de rĂ©duire les inĂ©galitĂ©s â en deux Ă©lĂ©ments : sa progressivitĂ© (soit dans quelle mesure les transferts ciblent les personnes Ă faible revenu et que l’impĂŽt augmente selon le revenu) et son importance moyenne (en termes du taux de prestations ou du taux d’imposition). Ils en concluent que c’est l’Ă©volution des taux de prestations moyens qui a surtout dictĂ© les tendances en matiĂšre de redistribution, puisque la progressivitĂ© de la plupart des programmes de transfert est demeurĂ©e relativement stable durant cette pĂ©riode. Pour ce qui est des impĂŽts, il y a eu une rĂ©duction des taux marginaux d’imposition au cours de cette pĂ©riode, mais celle-ci a Ă©tĂ© compensĂ©e par l’accroissement de la progressivitĂ© (c’est-Ă -dire les taux ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©duits de façon plus importante dans les tranches de revenu infĂ©rieures que la tranche de revenu supĂ©rieure).
Andrew Heisz est directeur adjoint Ă la Division de la statistique du revenu de Statistique Canada. Il y est responsable notamment de l’Ă©laboration et de la diffusion de donnĂ©es sur le revenu, les avoirs et les pensions, lesquelles proviennent du recensement, d’enquĂȘtes et de sources administratives. DĂ©tenteur d’une maĂźtrise en Ă©conomie de l’UniversitĂ© McMaster, il travaille depuis plus de 20 ans Ă titre de chercheur et de gestionnaire d’enquĂȘte Ă Statistique Canada.
Brian Murphy est conseiller spĂ©cial Ă Statistique Canada. Il travaille depuis plus de 25 ans dans le domaine de la recherche sur les politiques sociales, et a dirigĂ© des Ă©tudes et publiĂ© des rapports consacrĂ©s Ă la rĂ©partition et Ă la redistribution du revenu au Canada et aux Ătats Unis. Il est diplĂŽmĂ© en science politique, en Ă©tudes urbaines et planification environnementale de l’UniversitĂ© York.
Ce chapitre fait partie de lâouvrage collectif Income Inequality: The Canadian Story. Il est le fruit de deux annĂ©es de collaboration entre lâIRPP et le RĂ©seau canadien de chercheurs dans le domaine du marchĂ© du travail et des compĂ©tences (RCCMTC). Pas moins de 27 Ă©minents experts y analysent les tendances en matiĂšre dâinĂ©galitĂ© au Canada, les facteurs ayant dictĂ© lâaugmentation des inĂ©galitĂ©s depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1980 et le rĂŽle que doivent jouer les politiques publiques pour remĂ©dier au problĂšme. |
This chapter was published in Income Inequality: The Canadian Story. It is the result of a two-year collaboration between the IRPP and the Canadian Labour Market and Skills Researcher Network (CLRSN). As part of this project, twenty-seven leading economists and experts in the field examine income inequality trends in Canada, the factors contributing to its marked increase since the early 1980s, and the role of policy in addressing the problem.
The role of income redistribution through the tax-and-transfer system as a mitigating factor against rising market income inequality has long been a subject of interest. For example, Kenworthy and Pontusson (2005, 1), who studied redistribution in several member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) over the period from 1980 to 2000, conclude that, contrary to the âwidespread rhetoric about the decline of the welfare state, redistribution increased in most countries during the period, as existing social-welfare programs compensated for the rise in market inequality.â
Although this conclusion also applies to Canada, it appears to do so only in part. For instance, Beach and Slotsve (1996) show that the rise in market income inequality in the 1980s was offset by a corresponding increase in the redistributive effect of the transfer system, which in turn prevented an increase in total income inequality in that decade. Extending these results to the mid-2000s, Heisz (2007) and Frenette, Green and Milligan (2007) describe the continued rise in market income inequality in the 1990s, which gave way to an even larger increase in inequality than was the case in the 1980s. They find that, although the tax-and-transfer system initially expanded in the early 1990s to offset the higher level of market income inequality, it then contracted later in the decade. As a result, aftertax income inequality did increase during the 1990s. Although the expansion and contraction of the tax-and-transfer system in the 1990s was in part a consequence of cyclical factors associated with the 1990-92 recession, Frenette, Green and Milligan (2009) conclude that it was also due to the reduced impact of government redistribution, and they point to changes in employment insurance (EI) and social assistance programs as important contributors.
In this chapter, we have two objectives. First, we review the literature and the stylized facts on income redistribution through the tax-and-transfer system. We examine the âdirect redistributive effectsâ of taxes and transfers (the difference between pre- and postredistribution income inequality), update the evidence and determine the relative contribution of the main components of transfers (EI, social assistance, child benefits and benefits to seniors) and income taxes (provincial and federal).
Second, we contribute to the Canadian literature by drawing the distinction between redistribution and progressivity in taxes and transfers, following the methodology developed by Kakwani (1977, 1984), Lambert (1985), Kim and Lambert (2009) and others. In this context, redistribution is the amount by which inequality is reduced by a tax or transfer, while progressivity is the amount by which a tax or transfer differs from proportionality (across the income distribution). The amount of redistribution generated by a tax or transfer depends on both its progressivity and the size of the tax or transfer. Intuitively, for two equal-sized taxes or transfers (in terms of the average tax or transfer rate), the more progressive tax or transfer would have a larger redistributive effect. We acknowledge that transfer-and-tax programs are designed to pursue many objectives aside from their effect on income inequality, and the results presented in this chapter are not intended to be an evaluation of these policies or programs. Nevertheless, we feel that decomposing inequality and redistribution into these components provides meaningful indicators that analysts and policy-makers can use to evaluate the effect of changes in the tax-and-transfer system on income inequality.
The methods we use to measure income redistribution are what Kesselman and Cheung (2006) describe as âglobal indices of progressivity,â which summarize the effects of transfers or taxes on the entire distribution of income.1 Kesselman and Cheung note that these measures are âespecially useful in tracking progressivity over time, or comparing progressivity across countriesâ (2006, 361). They also note that these indices fall into two camps: those that measure the redistributive effects of taxes or transfers, and those that measure departures from proportionality, or progressivity.
The first type, attributed to Musgrave and Thin (1948) and Reynolds and Smolensky (1977) and commonly used in the empirical literature on income inequality in Canada, indicates the difference between a preredistribution and a postredistribution measure of inequality. In this chapter, we describe redistribution as the absolute difference in pre- and postredistribution GINI coefficients â an index that ranges between 0 and 1, where 0 represents complete equality and 1 represents complete inequality â but it is also possible to describe redistribution by comparing other measures of inequality, such as income quantile ratios. The difference between pre- and postredistribution inequality can also be expressed in absolute or relative (percentage) terms.
Defining preredistribution income as income coming from market income sources, denoted M, and postredistribution income as income measured after government transfers and income taxes, denoted AT, and their respective GINI coefficients as GM and GAT, total redistribution from taxes and transfers, R, can be measured as
Defining pretax, post-transfer income as âtotal incomeâ and its GINI as GT, separate redistribution indices for taxes (subscript t) and transfers (subscript b) can be described as
The second type of global progressivity indices, those that measure departures from proportionality, is less common in the empirical literature in Canada than redistribution measures such as R. Indicators of progressivity measure to what extent a tax or transfer is âtargetedâ toward particular segments of the income distribution. A progressive transfer provides more benefits to lower–income individuals, while a progressive tax applies a higher tax rate to those with higher incomes. In contrast, a proportional tax or transfer applies the same tax or benefit rate to everyone, and produces no change in overall inequality. In this chapter, we use an index of progressivity derived by Kakwani (1977, 1984). The Kakwani index has two advantages. First, it has an intuitive interpretation: like the Reynolds and Smolensky measure of redistribution, R, it can be derived using concentration curves (the GINI is derived from a Lorenz curve, which is a particular type of concentration curve). Second, it can be related to R.
For taxes,
where Pt is the Kakwani progressivity index for taxes and t is the average tax rate. For transfers,
where Pb is the Kakwani progressivity index for benefits and b is the average benefit rate.
Equations (5) and (8) provide a statistical representation of the idea that the amount of redistribution generated by a tax or transfer depends upon both its progressivity and the average tax or benefit rate. Estimates of redistribution, progressivity and average tax and benefit rates can be also be defined for individual or aggregate taxes or transfers in the same way. Note that relationships described in equations (5) and (8) are approximates.
In appendix A, we present a more detailed description of the progressivity indices for taxes and transfers and how they relate to the redistribution indices of taxes and transfers, as well as additional equations used in this chapter.
A number of key empirical studies have looked at income redistribution in Canada.2 Heisz (2007) and Frenette, Green and Milligan (2009) provide a convenient starting point. In the former, the author compares pre- and post-redistribution GINI coefficients calculated using survey data from 1976 to 2004 to describe redistribution. In the latter study, the authors compare pre- and postredistribution inequality over the period from 1980 to 2000 using census data at five-year intervals. The basic storyline from these studies is that increases in market income inequality during the recessions of the 1980s and 1990s were completely offset by a tax-and-transfer system that became more redistributive, such that there was no increase in aftertax income inequality up to 1995. During the second half of the 1990s, government redistribution through the tax-and-transfer system declined, market income inequality remained high and aftertax income inequality rose.
A central motivation of these two papers was to determine whether the tax-and-transfer system became less redistributive over the periods studied. This question is difficult to answer, however, since redistribution can change both with structural changes in government programs or tax policy â such as through the addition, change or elimination of a transfer program â and as a result of changes in the underlying market income distribution. All else being equal, redistribution through the transfer system is expected to rise during an economic recession, for example, as more individuals fall into lower-income brackets where transfer income is expected to be higher. Frenette, Green and Milligan (2009) address this issue by modelling income redistribution through the tax-and-transfer system, and applying the model parameters to a constant market income distribution. In this way, they are able to conclude that the tax-and-transfer system itself was most redistributive in 1995 (based on five-year-interval census data). Heisz (2007) applies a different methodology, but comes to a similar conclusion. Frenette, Green and Milligan also look at components of the tax-and-transfer system to uncover some of the factors underlying changes in redistribution, and find that changes in social assistance, EI and child benefits all played important roles.
Sharpe and Capeluck (2012) examine the redistributive effects of the tax-and-transfer system by province, drawing on data from Statistics Canada and the OECD with a focus on interprovincial and international differences. They find that income redistribution is higher in Atlantic Canada and Quebec than in the rest of Canada. For instance, market income inequality was about equal in Ontario and Quebec in 2011, but higher levels of tax-and-transfer income redistribution in Quebec yielded a lower level of aftertax income inequality in that province. At the national level, the size of inequality reduction achieved through government redistribution was modest in Canada compared with that in other OECD countries. For example, if one thinks of Sweden as a high-redistribution country and the United States as a low-redistribution country, Canada’s level of redistribution is closer to the latter.
Milligan (2013) looks at redistribution through the tax system using census data for the period from 1980 to 2005. In particular, he examines the reduction in income inequality generated by refundable tax credits such as the goods and services tax (GST) credit and the Canada Child Tax Benefit, and finds that these credits play an important role in increasing income and hence reducing income inequality in the lower half of the income distribution.
In his discussion of redistribution through taxes and transfers, Davies (2013) emphasizes the policy implications, and argues that more income equality could be achieved for a given amount of government spending if programs were more âtargetedâ toward lower-income recipients. He also provides additional useful background information on the evolution of the tax-and-transfer system in Canada. In appendix B, we provide a summary of some of the changes in tax policy and transfer programs that are likely to have affected redistribution and progressivity over the study period.
The main sources of data we use in this chapter are Statistics Canada’s Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) for the period from 1976 to 1997 and the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) for the period from 1993 to 2011. The SCF is Statistics Canada’s main source of household income statistics from 1976 to 1995, while the SLID is the main source from 1996 to 2011.3
Our variables are defined in the same way as in Statistics Canada’s databases and in Canadian literature such as Heisz (2007), Frenette, Green and Milligan (2009), and Sharpe and Capeluck (2012). Market income is the sum of income from market sources. It includes income from earnings, net self-employment income, income from assets such as rents and private pension plans and income from other market sources. Market income thus represents income before government transfers. Total income is the sum of market income and government transfers. We include the following federal and provincial government transfers:
We group workers’ compensation benefits, GST and provincial tax credits, the Working Income Tax Benefit and other transfer programs into a single âother transfersâ category.4 It should be noted that the CPP/QPP and EI transfers differ from other transfers in that they are paid for from payroll taxes contributed by working individuals, and their receipt is linked to individuals having contributed to these programs in the past. One could also argue that the CPP/QPP is a savings program, and should not be counted as income. However, we follow the convention used by Statistics Canada and in most Canadian research and count CPP/QPP and EI benefits as income.
The left panel of figure 1 shows the total amounts of each of these transfers reported in the survey data (in 2011 dollars), while the right panel standardizes the size of the transfers by expressing them as a percentage of total gross domestic product (GDP); we have omitted the lines for âother transfersâ to improve the readability of the figures. In 2011, CPP/QPP and OAS/GIS represented the largest transfer programs, at $40 billion and $35 billion, respectively. Relative to GDP, the CPP/QPP increased in importance up to 1994, after which it stabilized at about 2.2 percent of GDP. EI, child benefits and social assistance accounted for $19 billion, $14 billion and $12 billion in income, respectively. As a percentage of GDP, income from EI and social assistance has declined considerably since the 1990s. EI income fell from above 2 percent of GDP in the early 1990s to less than 1 percent through most of the 2000s, although we note an increase in EI income in 2009 and 2010 coinciding with the economic downturn in those years. Income from social assistance fell from a peak of 1.5 percent of GDP in 1994 to just more than 0.5 percent by the end of the period. Income from child benefits, however, rose in real terms over the period, doubling from about $7 billion in the late 1970s to about $14 billion in recent years.
As we describe in more detail in appendix B, these broad trends in transfer incomes reflect important policy initiatives. Changes in CPP/QPP income reflect the maturation of the public pension system (Myles 2000), with 35.2 percent of seniors receiving CPP/QPP benefits in 1976, rising to 76.5 percent in 1993 and to 92.1 percent in 2011.5 Changes in EI transfer income reflect cyclical factors as well as successive program changes since the 1970s that have reduced EI benefit levels and tightened eligibility requirements (see Finnie and Irvine 2011). As well, changes in provincial social assistance programs and related federal transfers in the early 1990s reduced the use of social assistance and lowered average benefit rates (Banting 2005; Finnie, Irvine and Sceviour 2005; Frenette, Green and Milligan, 2009). As well, changes in provincial social assistance programs and related federal transfers in the early 1990s reduced the use of social assistance dramatically and lowered average benefit rates (Banting 2005; Finnie, Irvine and Sceviour 2005; Frenette, Green and Milligan, 2009). Child benefits â at the federal level including, in earlier years, the Child Tax Credit and Family Allowance program, and more recently the Canada Child Tax Benefit, the National Child Benefit Supplement and the Universal Child Care Benefit, as well as various provincial programs â have also undergone numerous changes over the period. As we describe below, newer programs such as the Canada Child Tax Benefit and the National Child Benefit Supplement are designed to target lower-income recipients, with benefits clawed back and reduced to zero above certain income levels.
Aftertax income is total income less federal and provincial income taxes. Figure 2 shows total income taxes paid in levels and as a percentage of GDP. It also shows federal and provincial taxes separately after 1998, the first year these are disaggregated in the survey data. Expressed as a percentage of GDP, income tax paid has fallen steadily since the late 1990s, reflecting a number of tax-rate reductions at both the federal and provincial levels (see appendix B for more details).
We could also have included other taxes, such as payroll, property and sales taxes, as well as other transfers, both direct and indirect. However, using the more limited definition of income used by Statistics Canada (with one exception, as we discuss below) allows us to compare our results directly with commonly reported statistics, and conforms with the definitions used in most of the literature on income inequality in Canada.
When studying family income, it is important to take into account the fact that households with higher incomes tend to be larger than those with lower incomes, and that larger families can enjoy economies of scale (for example, they can share the cost of housing). For these reasons, like most researchers, we conduct our analysis at the level of the individual, using measures of âadult-equivalent-adjusted income.âÂ6 This means that, for the remainder of the study, we sum income variables to the household level and convert them to adult-equivalent units.
Finally, we also use Statistics Canada’s Social Policy Simulation Database and Model (SPSD/M), which is a nonconfidential, statistically representative database of individuals in their family context, with enough information on each individual to compute taxes paid to and cash transfers received from government.7 The SPSD/M allows us to model changes in redistribution, average tax and benefit rates and progressivity, while holding market income distributions and population characteristics constant. We can then compare estimates from the SPSD/M with those from the SCF and SLID to separate the part of the change in redistribution or progressivity that is driven by changes in the tax-and-transfer system from the part that is caused by macroeconomic or demographic changes. We can also assess what effect payroll taxes have on the results.8
As is well known, taxes and transfers reduce income inequality through redistribution, but by how much? As figure 3 shows, the GINI coefficient for market income in 2011 was 0.436. Adding transfers reduced inequality such that the GINI estimate for total income declined to 0.355 (a 19 percent decrease in the GINI coefficient). Adding taxes reduced the GINI coefficient to 0.313 (a 12 percent decrease). Together, taxes and transfers decreased inequality by 28 percent from its market-income level.
Figure 4 shows the point reduction in the GINI coefficients associated with taxes and transfers for the period from 1976 to 2011 (these are estimates of R, Rt and Rb, described earlier). Our results reflect those in earlier studies on redistribution in Canada. Total redistribution peaked in around 1994, following waves of increasing redistribution starting in the early 1980s. In 1994, redistribution through taxes and transfers reduced the GINI coefficient by 0.142, which was about one-third the size of the market income GINI. The GINI reduction from transfers was larger, at 0.099, while the GINI reduction from taxes was 0.043. After 1994, however, government redistribution declined, mainly due to a reduction in transfer redistribution. This decline resulted in part from the improving economy (and increased market incomes) following the 1990-92 recession, but, as noted earlier, tax-and-transfer programs changed in such a way that redistribution would have declined even in the absence of an economic recovery.
These results reflect the now well-known storyline regarding the evolution of inequality and redistribution in Canada over this period. Market income inequality ratcheted up â that is, it rose without later falling â during the economic downturns of 1981-82 and 1990-92. Total redistribution also rose during these recessions, although it remained at a higher level after the end of the 1980s recession but fell following the 1990s recession. It was during the period of 1994 through 2000, when market inequality remained high and total redistribution through taxes and transfers fell, that aftertax inequality rose. Through the 2000s, at least up to 2008, market income inequality remained high but âflat,â with only a small uptick in 2009 and 2010 that appears to have been offset completely by increased transfer redistribution.
Looking separately at transfers and taxes, this storyline closely reflects the changes in transfer redistribution. Although a steady increase in redistribution through the tax system occurred between 1982 and 2000, the changes in redistribution through transfers appear to be the principal factor behind the changes in total redistribution.
Figures 5 and 6 show the results for the overall redistributive effect and progressivity of the transfer and tax system, as derived from equations (4), (6), (7) and (9) in appendix A. The line for transfer redistribution in figure 5a is the same as the middle line shown in figure 4. Changes in total transfer redistribution appear to be mainly associated with changes in the average benefit rate (figure 5b).9 Periods of high average benefits coincide with periods of high redistribution. At the same time, there is a marked pattern in progressivity, with the full transfer system becoming steadily more progressive over the 1980s and 1990s, and peaking in 2000 before falling through 2011 (figure 5c).
Figure 6 shows the effects of the tax system. Again, figure 6a for tax redistribution corresponds to the bottom line in figure 4. What is new in this figure is the information on how the redistribution through the tax system derives from the average tax rate (figure 6b) and tax progressivity (figure 6c). The evolution of redistribution from taxes can be divided into three periods:
We can confirm these observations by decomposing the redistributive effects of transfers and taxes to identify the part associated with changes in progressivity and the part associated with changes in average benefits and tax rates before and after 1995 â see equation (10) in appendix A. The results of this exercise are shown in table 1. We find that, between 1976 and 1995 â the year Frenette, Green and Milligan (2009) identify as the most redistributive â about nine-tenths of the increase in transfer redistribution was associated with changes in average benefits. Likewise, three-quarters of the increase in tax redistribution between 1976 and 1995 was associated with increases in the average tax rate. During the second half of the period, transfer redistribution fell, again with about nine-tenths of this due to changes in average benefits. For taxes, the net change in tax redistribution was small between 1995 and 2011 (ĂąËâ 0.003), reflecting a decrease in tax redistribution due to a falling average tax rate (ĂąËâ 0.009), which was mostly offset by an increase in redistribution due to rising progressivity (0.007).
Looking at the components of transfer and tax redistribution, figure 7 shows the redistributive effects of specific transfers, and reveals a variety of levels and patterns. Ranked in order of magnitude in 2011, redistributive effects were greatest for the OAS/GIS and CPP/QPP programs. Child benefits were the next largest, though at an order of magnitude lower. EI, social assistance and other government transfers represented a third, lower grouping of transfers, in terms of the size of their redistributive effect.
The redistributive effects of these transfers have changed over time, with CPP/QPP and child benefits becoming more redistributive, while EI and especially social assistance have become less redistributive since the early and mid-1990s. The overall increase in transfer redistribution from 1976 through the mid-1990s appears to have been based on increases across all transfer programs, with each transfer grouping in figure 7 becoming more redistributive during that period. The fall in redistribution following the mid-1990s appears to have been the result of reductions in redistribution through social assistance and EI (other transfers do not appear to have fallen so significantly after 1993, although we note a decline in redistribution from OAS/GIS).10 The increase in redistribution in 2009 and 2010 appears to some degree in all transfer groups, although the increases are largest in EI, social assistance and âother transfers.âÂ
Figures 8 and 9 show the progressivity index and the average benefit rate for separate transfers (or groups of transfers) â the two components of equation (8). Figure 8 indicates a wide range in the levels of progressivity of transfers. In 2011, social assistance benefits were the most progressive, followed, in order, by OAS, child benefits, âother transfers,â CPP/QPP and EI. Figure 8 also shows that the level of progressivity of transfers has changed very little for most transfers since 1976. The exception was child benefits, which became steadily more progressive over the period from 1976 to 2003, with a small decrease in progressivity afterwards. Over that period, child benefit programs changed several times, with newer programs typically targeted more toward lower-income recipients. For example, in 1993, the Family Allowance program was replaced by the means-tested Child Tax Benefit, and in 1998, the Working Income Supplement, which was available only to low-income working families, was replaced by the National Child Benefit Supplement, which is available to all low-income families. Such changes would be expected to have led to an increase in the progressivity of child benefits over the period.
Figure 9 shows the average benefit rate for different transfers or groups of transfers. The figure clearly indicates that changes in redistribution from transfers are more strongly related to changes in the average size of the benefit. Most large movements in redistribution in figure 7 mirror movements in the average size of the transfer, rather than changes in the progressivity of the transfer. The exception once again is child benefits, where the increase in the redistributive effect appears due in large part to an increase in the progressivity of these benefits.
We can demonstrate this finding more formally by variance decomposition. As represented in equation (11) in appendix A, the variance in transfer redistribution over the period was due to the variance in benefit rates, plus the variance in transfer progressivity plus twice the covariance in these terms. The decomposition results reported in table 2 indicate that the variance of redistribution is associated nearly entirely with variations in average benefit rates for all transfers with the exception of child benefits. For child benefits, the variance in redistribution is associated more strongly with changes in progressivity.
Together, figures 7, 8 and 9 help to illustrate how the average size of a transfer combines with its progressivity to yield a level of redistribution. For example, the OAS/GIS is slightly smaller than the CPP/QPP (based on average benefit rates), but because it is more progressive, it yields a larger redistribution effect. Social assistance, despite having the highest level of progressivity, has a comparatively small average benefit rate, and so its effect on overall inequality is smaller than another transfer that might be less progressive but is larger. The figures also show how changes in the progressivity of a transfer can lead to more redistribution without changing the size of the transfer. Child benefits, which had an average benefit rate equivalent to about 1.5 percent of market income between 1987 and 2004 (figure 9),11 became more progressive over the period (figure 8), which, in turn, led to a larger redistributive effect (figure 7).12
As indicated above, child benefits include several federal and provincial programs with different purposes and designs. Therefore, examining some of these separately can help describe the underlying income redistribution effects of child transfers. Specifically, we examine the results for three federally delivered child benefits: the Canada Child Tax Benefit, the National Child Benefit Supplement and the Universal Child Care Benefit. We expect each of these child benefits to have different levels of progressivity based on their respective program design â see appendix B for further details. The main parameters of these programs for the 2012 tax year were as follows:
The data in table 3 provide an empirical way to describe how total government transfers through child benefits reduce income inequality by more or less, depending on the size of the program and on how progressive it is. To sharpen the illustration of the effect of child benefits on income redistribution, we limit the sample to families with children ages 0 to 17.15 In terms of the average benefit rate, as the first column of table 3 shows, the Canada Child Tax Benefit was largest, representing 1.5 percent of market income for families with children. The National Child Benefit Supplement and the Universal Child Care Benefit were close in size, each representing 0.8 percent of market income for families with children. The second column shows the level of progressivity of the three child benefits, with the ranking falling out as expected: the National Child Benefit Supplement is the most progressive, the Canada Child Tax Benefit is second and the Universal Child Care Benefit is the least progressive. The final column of table 3 shows the amount by which the transfer reduced inequality. This estimate reflects the combined effect of the progressivity index and the benefit rate (equation (8)). Redistribution was highest for the Canada Child Tax Benefit, followed by the National Child Benefit Supplement and then the Universal Child Care Benefit. Thus, although the Universal Child Care Benefit and National Child Benefit Supplement were of similar size in 2011, the latter was more progressively distributed, yielding a greater reduction in inequality.
Unfortunately, in the SCF and SLID, total income taxes are only disaggregated into federal and provincial taxes separately from 1998 onward. As a result, we are unable to illustrate as clearly as for transfers the evolution of tax redistribution and progressivity by tax type.16 Nonetheless, we can summarize our results as follows:
In sum, the same pattern emerges for federal and provincial taxes as for taxes overall. Average tax rates (both federal and provincial) fell and progressivity rose over the 2000s, yielding little change in redistribution from taxes.
In our analysis so far, we have presented stylized facts on the levels of redistribution from survey microdata. One result that has come to light is that important changes have occurred in the levels of redistribution in Canada since the mid-1970s. Although we have made some effort to unpack these aggregate changes by relating them to changes in particular benefits or taxes, the trends we have observed also might have been driven in part by changes in the underlying market income distribution and/or demographics, such as the share of the population over age 65. In order to test to what extent changes in transfer programs in and of themselves are responsible for observed trends in income redistribution, we use the SPSD/M to simulate what post-transfer and post-tax incomes would have been if population and market income characteristics had held constant. For our purposes, the model holds the population constant at its 2004 characteristics; we then apply the parameters of the tax-and-transfer system for the period from 1991 to 2010 to this fixed population to yield simulated post-transfer and post-tax distributions. The resulting changes in redistribution then reflect only the effects due to changes in policy and programs, not those resulting from changes in the economy and demographics. Unfortunately, however, the SPSD/M does not model social assistance or CPP/QPP benefits, an important shortcoming considering their importance in post-transfer distribution. Therefore, rather than model transfer redistribution overall, we model only those transfers that are estimated by the SPSD/M â namely, OAS/GIS, EI and child benefits.
Figure 10 presents the results for OAS/GIS. The âactualâ redistribution and average benefit rate series show strong cyclical fluctuations, rising during the early 1990s and falling in the postrecession period. The modelled series for redistribution and average benefit rates are flat after 1991, the first year of the simulation. Both the actual and modelled estimates of OAS/GIS progressivity are also flat. From this, we can conclude that fluctuations in GIS/OAS over the period (at least, post-1991) were more strongly associated with changes in the underlying population â that is, with changes in their demographic and market income situationsâ than with changes in program parameters.17
Figure 11 shows the results for EI. Here, both the actual and modelled redistribution and average benefit rate series move together, indicating that a good part of the decrease in redistribution through EI, at least after 1991, was associated with changes in EI program parameters. For example, actual redistribution through EI fell from 0.017 in 1991 to 0.008 in 1999 (down 0.009). Holding population characteristics constant (including their employment and unemployment characteristics), modelled redistribution fell from 0.014 to 0.008 over the same period (down 0.006). Since, in the modelled series, only program parameters are allowed to change from year to year, we can conclude that about two-thirds of the decline in EI redistribution over the 1990s was associated with changes in program parameters. Most of the decline occurred as a result of reductions in the average benefit level, as in both the actual and modelled series the progressivity indicators showed little change.
Figure 12 shows results for child benefits. Redistribution rises strongly in the post-1991 period in both the actual and modelled series. Similar trends in progressivity occur in both series. Modelled estimates of progressivity in child benefits show a larger discrete âjumpâ than actual estimates between 1992 and 1993, the year the Child Tax Benefit and Working Income Supplement were introduced. Otherwise, the increase in the progressivity of these benefits from the early 1990s to the early 2000s is preserved in both series, indicating that observed trends were due to program changes, rather than to changes in the characteristics of the underlying population. There are small differences in average benefit rates in the actual and modelled series, with the latter series showing more growth. This suggests that changes in child benefit programs increased average (statutory) child benefit rates more over the period than suggested in the raw data, but this was masked by downward pressure on the effective benefit rate associated with the improving economy in the mid- to late 1990s.
Simulations of tax redistribution are shown in figure 13. The simulated redistribution and simulated average tax rate are quite similar to their actual values, except that the levels of these variables are higher in the simulation in the early to mid-1990s, reflecting the reduction in actual tax revenues during the early 1990s recession. The results for modelled progressivity confirm the results from the survey microdata: both show an increase in the progressivity of the tax system after 1991 (the modelled results lie nearly on top of the actual values). Overall, the results of the tax-modelling exercise indicate that the observed trends in tax redistribution are associated mainly with changes in tax policy, rather than with changes in the characteristics of the population or in the economy, especially in the post-2000 period.
A closer look at the results from the SPSD/M allows us to describe more fully the changes in the progressivity of the tax system. Figure 14 shows the average tax rate by centile of total income for 1991 and 2010 derived from the SPSD/M.18 Since results are generated using fixed population characteristics, the differences in average tax rates between the two years shown in figure 14 are due strictly to changes in the tax system. Average tax rates fell between 1991 and 2010 across the entire income distribution. Figure 14 also shows the ratio of the 2010 rate to the 1991 rate. At the bottom of the income distribution, the 2010 tax rate averaged 25 percent of the 1991 tax rate (aside from higher values for the 1st to 3rd centiles). Between the 20th and 40th centiles, the 2010 rates averaged 55 percent of the 1991 rates. Above the 40th centile, the 2010 rates averaged 73 percent of the 1991 rates. In sum, the results shown in figure 14 indicate that the tax system became more progressive between 1991 and 2010 because, although tax rates fell across the income distribution, they fell more at the bottom than at the top.
As described in Davies (2013), and in appendix B, a number of changes in the federal and provincial income tax systems occurred over this period. Some of these changes may have increased progressivity, while others may have reduced it, and further study would be needed to determine their individual effects. Among more recent changes, since 2001, the federal government has reduced tax rates in all brackets, but especially in the lowest bracket, from 17 percent to 16 percent in 2001 and then to 15 percent in 2005. These recent changes in the rate structure would have increased the progressivity of the personal income tax system.
The SPSD/M also allows us to model the progressivity and redistributive effects of payroll taxes, which we have excluded from the analysis so far. (For our purposes, payroll taxes include employee contributions to CPP/QPP and EI.) Results for 2010 are shown in table 4. The results for federal and provincial income taxes combined are as shown in figure 13. What is new in this table is the addition of federal payroll taxes. As expected, federal payroll taxes are regressiveâ that is, the progressivity index is negative (ĂąËâ0.059) â meaning that individuals with lower income pay a larger share of their income in payroll taxes, mainly due to the relatively low maximum pensionable/insurable earnings ceilings for contributions under these programs. These payroll taxes are comparatively small, however, at 3.3 percent of total income, compared with 16.2 percent for federal and provincial taxes combined. Thus, their redistributive effect is negative and increases income inequality, but by a small amount. The final row of table 4 shows that payroll taxes reduce the overall progressivity of the income tax system, but have little effect on its redistributive effect.
The tax-and-transfer system is an important tool that governments may use to redistribute income, and this in turn can influence the level or trend of income inequality. In looking at changes in income inequality and redistribution in Canada from 1976 to 2011, we find (as have other authors) that the cumulative increases in market income inequality that occurred during the recessions of the 1980s and 1990s were completely offset by a tax-and-transfer system that became more redistributive over this period. As a result, there was no increase in aftertax income inequality up to 1995. This pattern changed during the second half of the 1990s. Market income inequality remained at the higher levels reached in the earlier recession, but the tax-and-transfer system became less redistributive and aftertax income inequality increased as a consequence. In the 2000s, aftertax household income inequality more or less stabilized as market income inequality and overall redistribution held steady up until the most recent recession. The resulting small rise in market income inequality in 2009-10, however, was once again offset by an increase in transfer redistribution in those years.
Total redistribution through taxes and transfers reached its highest point in 1994, following waves of increasing redistribution during the early 1980s and early 1990s. In 1994, taxes and transfers reduced income inequality by about one-third of its pre-tax-and-transfer level, as measured by the GINI coefficient. In the 2000s, government redistribution reduced market income inequality by about 28 percent, an amount similar to that seen in the 1980s.
In looking at the redistribution generated by individual taxes and transfers, we find that, on the transfer side, aggregate trends were associated with many changes in individual transfer programs:
The progressivity of taxes and transfers also plays an important role in redistributing income. Progressivity measures tell us how âtargetedâ a transfer or tax is toward particular segments of the income distribution. A progressive transfer provides more benefits to lower-income individuals, while a progressive tax imposes a higher tax rate on those with higher incomes. Indices of progressivity, both for the tax-and-transfer system overall and for individual taxes and transfers, provide some interesting insights into the ways in which government redistribution has evolved since the mid-1970s:
We should note, in conclusion, that transfers and taxes are designed with a number of objectives aside from their effect on aggregate income inequality. As such, our analysis was not intended to be an evaluation of these programs. Nevertheless, we believe that measurements of program progressivity speak to issues of targeting and program size that could be useful in policy development and evaluation. For example, a consideration of the connection between progressivity and redistribution would help policy-makers determine where in the tax-and-transfer system a given-sized intervention would yield the greatest redistributive impact.[:fr]The role of income redistribution through the tax-and-transfer system as a mitigating factor against rising market income inequality has long been a subject of interest. For example, Kenworthy and Pontusson (2005, 1), who studied redistribution in several member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) over the period from 1980 to 2000, conclude that, contrary to the âwidespread rhetoric about the decline of the welfare state, redistribution increased in most countries during the period, as existing social-welfare programs compensated for the rise in market inequality.âÂ
Although this conclusion also applies to Canada, it appears to do so only in part. For instance, Beach and Slotsve (1996) show that the rise in market income inequality in the 1980s was offset by a corresponding increase in the redistributive effect of the transfer system, which in turn prevented an increase in total income inequality in that decade. Extending these results to the mid-2000s, Heisz (2007) and Frenette, Green and Milligan (2007) describe the continued rise in market income inequality in the 1990s, which gave way to an even larger increase in inequality than was the case in the 1980s. They find that, although the tax-and-transfer system initially expanded in the early 1990s to offset the higher level of market income inequality, it then contracted later in the decade. As a result, aftertax income inequality did increase during the 1990s. Although the expansion and contraction of the tax-and-transfer system in the 1990s was in part a consequence of cyclical factors associated with the 1990-92 recession, Frenette, Green and Milligan (2009) conclude that it was also due to the reduced impact of government redistribution, and they point to changes in employment insurance (EI) and social assistance programs as important contributors.
In this chapter, we have two objectives. First, we review the literature and the stylized facts on income redistribution through the tax-and-transfer system. We examine the âdirect redistributive effectsâ of taxes and transfers (the difference between pre- and postredistribution income inequality), update the evidence and determine the relative contribution of the main components of transfers (EI, social assistance, child benefits and benefits to seniors) and income taxes (provincial and federal).
Second, we contribute to the Canadian literature by drawing the distinction between redistribution and progressivity in taxes and transfers, following the methodology developed by Kakwani (1977, 1984), Lambert (1985), Kim and Lambert (2009) and others. In this context, redistribution is the amount by which inequality is reduced by a tax or transfer, while progressivity is the amount by which a tax or transfer differs from proportionality (across the income distribution). The amount of redistribution generated by a tax or transfer depends on both its progressivity and the size of the tax or transfer. Intuitively, for two equal-sized taxes or transfers (in terms of the average tax or transfer rate), the more progressive tax or transfer would have a larger redistributive effect. We acknowledge that transfer-and-tax programs are designed to pursue many objectives aside from their effect on income inequality, and the results presented in this chapter are not intended to be an evaluation of these policies or programs. Nevertheless, we feel that decomposing inequality and redistribution into these components provides meaningful indicators that analysts and policy-makers can use to evaluate the effect of changes in the tax-and-transfer system on income inequality.
The methods we use to measure income redistribution are what Kesselman and Cheung (2006) describe as âglobal indices of progressivity,â which summarize the effects of transfers or taxes on the entire distribution of income.1 Kesselman and Cheung note that these measures are âespecially useful in tracking progressivity over time, or comparing progressivity across countriesâ (2006, 361). They also note that these indices fall into two camps: those that measure the redistributive effects of taxes or transfers, and those that measure departures from proportionality, or progressivity.
The first type, attributed to Musgrave and Thin (1948) and Reynolds and Smolensky (1977) and commonly used in the empirical literature on income inequality in Canada, indicates the difference between a preredistribution and a postredistribution measure of inequality. In this chapter, we describe redistribution as the absolute difference in pre- and postredistribution GINI coefficients â an index that ranges between 0 and 1, where 0 represents complete equality and 1 represents complete inequality â but it is also possible to describe redistribution by comparing other measures of inequality, such as income quantile ratios. The difference between pre- and postredistribution inequality can also be expressed in absolute or relative (percentage) terms.
Defining preredistribution income as income coming from market income sources, denoted M, and postredistribution income as income measured after government transfers and income taxes, denoted AT, and their respective GINI coefficients as GM and GAT, total redistribution from taxes and transfers, R, can be measured as
Defining pretax, post-transfer income as âtotal incomeâ and its GINI as GT, separate redistribution indices for taxes (subscript t) and transfers (subscript b) can be described as
The second type of global progressivity indices, those that measure departures from proportionality, is less common in the empirical literature in Canada than redistribution measures such as R. Indicators of progressivity measure to what extent a tax or transfer is âtargetedâ toward particular segments of the income distribution. A progressive transfer provides more benefits to lower–income individuals, while a progressive tax applies a higher tax rate to those with higher incomes. In contrast, a proportional tax or transfer applies the same tax or benefit rate to everyone, and produces no change in overall inequality. In this chapter, we use an index of progressivity derived by Kakwani (1977, 1984). The Kakwani index has two advantages. First, it has an intuitive interpretation: like the Reynolds and Smolensky measure of redistribution, R, it can be derived using concentration curves (the GINI is derived from a Lorenz curve, which is a particular type of concentration curve). Second, it can be related to R.
For taxes,
where Pt is the Kakwani progressivity index for taxes and t is the average tax rate. For transfers,
where Pb is the Kakwani progressivity index for benefits and b is the average benefit rate.
Equations (5) and (8) provide a statistical representation of the idea that the amount of redistribution generated by a tax or transfer depends upon both its progressivity and the average tax or benefit rate. Estimates of redistribution, progressivity and average tax and benefit rates can be also be defined for individual or aggregate taxes or transfers in the same way. Note that relationships described in equations (5) and (8) are approximates.
In appendix A, we present a more detailed description of the progressivity indices for taxes and transfers and how they relate to the redistribution indices of taxes and transfers, as well as additional equations used in this chapter.
A number of key empirical studies have looked at income redistribution in Canada.2 Heisz (2007) and Frenette, Green and Milligan (2009) provide a convenient starting point. In the former, the author compares pre- and post-redistribution GINI coefficients calculated using survey data from 1976 to 2004 to describe redistribution. In the latter study, the authors compare pre- and postredistribution inequality over the period from 1980 to 2000 using census data at five-year intervals. The basic storyline from these studies is that increases in market income inequality during the recessions of the 1980s and 1990s were completely offset by a tax-and-transfer system that became more redistributive, such that there was no increase in aftertax income inequality up to 1995. During the second half of the 1990s, government redistribution through the tax-and-transfer system declined, market income inequality remained high and aftertax income inequality rose.
A central motivation of these two papers was to determine whether the tax-and-transfer system became less redistributive over the periods studied. This question is difficult to answer, however, since redistribution can change both with structural changes in government programs or tax policy â such as through the addition, change or elimination of a transfer program â and as a result of changes in the underlying market income distribution. All else being equal, redistribution through the transfer system is expected to rise during an economic recession, for example, as more individuals fall into lower-income brackets where transfer income is expected to be higher. Frenette, Green and Milligan (2009) address this issue by modelling income redistribution through the tax-and-transfer system, and applying the model parameters to a constant market income distribution. In this way, they are able to conclude that the tax-and-transfer system itself was most redistributive in 1995 (based on five-year-interval census data). Heisz (2007) applies a different methodology, but comes to a similar conclusion. Frenette, Green and Milligan also look at components of the tax-and-transfer system to uncover some of the factors underlying changes in redistribution, and find that changes in social assistance, EI and child benefits all played important roles.
Sharpe and Capeluck (2012) examine the redistributive effects of the tax-and-transfer system by province, drawing on data from Statistics Canada and the OECD with a focus on interprovincial and international differences. They find that income redistribution is higher in Atlantic Canada and Quebec than in the rest of Canada. For instance, market income inequality was about equal in Ontario and Quebec in 2011, but higher levels of tax-and-transfer income redistribution in Quebec yielded a lower level of aftertax income inequality in that province. At the national level, the size of inequality reduction achieved through government redistribution was modest in Canada compared with that in other OECD countries. For example, if one thinks of Sweden as a high-redistribution country and the United States as a low-redistribution country, Canada’s level of redistribution is closer to the latter.
Milligan (2013) looks at redistribution through the tax system using census data for the period from 1980 to 2005. In particular, he examines the reduction in income inequality generated by refundable tax credits such as the goods and services tax (GST) credit and the Canada Child Tax Benefit, and finds that these credits play an important role in increasing income and hence reducing income inequality in the lower half of the income distribution.
In his discussion of redistribution through taxes and transfers, Davies (2013) emphasizes the policy implications, and argues that more income equality could be achieved for a given amount of government spending if programs were more âtargetedâ toward lower-income recipients. He also provides additional useful background information on the evolution of the tax-and-transfer system in Canada. In appendix B, we provide a summary of some of the changes in tax policy and transfer programs that are likely to have affected redistribution and progressivity over the study period.
The main sources of data we use in this chapter are Statistics Canada’s Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) for the period from 1976 to 1997 and the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) for the period from 1993 to 2011. The SCF is Statistics Canada’s main source of household income statistics from 1976 to 1995, while the SLID is the main source from 1996 to 2011.3
Our variables are defined in the same way as in Statistics Canada’s databases and in Canadian literature such as Heisz (2007), Frenette, Green and Milligan (2009), and Sharpe and Capeluck (2012). Market income is the sum of income from market sources. It includes income from earnings, net self-employment income, income from assets such as rents and private pension plans and income from other market sources. Market income thus represents income before government transfers. Total income is the sum of market income and government transfers. We include the following federal and provincial government transfers:
We group workers’ compensation benefits, GST and provincial tax credits, the Working Income Tax Benefit and other transfer programs into a single âother transfersâ category.4 It should be noted that the CPP/QPP and EI transfers differ from other transfers in that they are paid for from payroll taxes contributed by working individuals, and their receipt is linked to individuals having contributed to these programs in the past. One could also argue that the CPP/QPP is a savings program, and should not be counted as income. However, we follow the convention used by Statistics Canada and in most Canadian research and count CPP/QPP and EI benefits as income.
The left panel of figure 1 shows the total amounts of each of these transfers reported in the survey data (in 2011 dollars), while the right panel standardizes the size of the transfers by expressing them as a percentage of total gross domestic product (GDP); we have omitted the lines for âother transfersâ to improve the readability of the figures. In 2011, CPP/QPP and OAS/GIS represented the largest transfer programs, at $40 billion and $35 billion, respectively. Relative to GDP, the CPP/QPP increased in importance up to 1994, after which it stabilized at about 2.2 percent of GDP. EI, child benefits and social assistance accounted for $19 billion, $14 billion and $12 billion in income, respectively. As a percentage of GDP, income from EI and social assistance has declined considerably since the 1990s. EI income fell from above 2 percent of GDP in the early 1990s to less than 1 percent through most of the 2000s, although we note an increase in EI income in 2009 and 2010 coinciding with the economic downturn in those years. Income from social assistance fell from a peak of 1.5 percent of GDP in 1994 to just more than 0.5 percent by the end of the period. Income from child benefits, however, rose in real terms over the period, doubling from about $7 billion in the late 1970s to about $14 billion in recent years.
As we describe in more detail in appendix B, these broad trends in transfer incomes reflect important policy initiatives. Changes in CPP/QPP income reflect the maturation of the public pension system (Myles 2000), with 35.2 percent of seniors receiving CPP/QPP benefits in 1976, rising to 76.5 percent in 1993 and to 92.1 percent in 2011.5 Changes in EI transfer income reflect cyclical factors as well as successive program changes since the 1970s that have reduced EI benefit levels and tightened eligibility requirements (see Finnie and Irvine 2011). As well, changes in provincial social assistance programs and related federal transfers in the early 1990s reduced the use of social assistance and lowered average benefit rates (Banting 2005; Finnie, Irvine and Sceviour 2005; Frenette, Green and Milligan, 2009). As well, changes in provincial social assistance programs and related federal transfers in the early 1990s reduced the use of social assistance dramatically and lowered average benefit rates (Banting 2005; Finnie, Irvine and Sceviour 2005; Frenette, Green and Milligan, 2009). Child benefits â at the federal level including, in earlier years, the Child Tax Credit and Family Allowance program, and more recently the Canada Child Tax Benefit, the National Child Benefit Supplement and the Universal Child Care Benefit, as well as various provincial programs â have also undergone numerous changes over the period. As we describe below, newer programs such as the Canada Child Tax Benefit and the National Child Benefit Supplement are designed to target lower-income recipients, with benefits clawed back and reduced to zero above certain income levels.
Aftertax income is total income less federal and provincial income taxes. Figure 2 shows total income taxes paid in levels and as a percentage of GDP. It also shows federal and provincial taxes separately after 1998, the first year these are disaggregated in the survey data. Expressed as a percentage of GDP, income tax paid has fallen steadily since the late 1990s, reflecting a number of tax-rate reductions at both the federal and provincial levels (see appendix B for more details).
We could also have included other taxes, such as payroll, property and sales taxes, as well as other transfers, both direct and indirect. However, using the more limited definition of income used by Statistics Canada (with one exception, as we discuss below) allows us to compare our results directly with commonly reported statistics, and conforms with the definitions used in most of the literature on income inequality in Canada.
When studying family income, it is important to take into account the fact that households with higher incomes tend to be larger than those with lower incomes, and that larger families can enjoy economies of scale (for example, they can share the cost of housing). For these reasons, like most researchers, we conduct our analysis at the level of the individual, using measures of âadult-equivalent-adjusted income.âÂ6 This means that, for the remainder of the study, we sum income variables to the household level and convert them to adult-equivalent units.
Finally, we also use Statistics Canada’s Social Policy Simulation Database and Model (SPSD/M), which is a nonconfidential, statistically representative database of individuals in their family context, with enough information on each individual to compute taxes paid to and cash transfers received from government.7 The SPSD/M allows us to model changes in redistribution, average tax and benefit rates and progressivity, while holding market income distributions and population characteristics constant. We can then compare estimates from the SPSD/M with those from the SCF and SLID to separate the part of the change in redistribution or progressivity that is driven by changes in the tax-and-transfer system from the part that is caused by macroeconomic or demographic changes. We can also assess what effect payroll taxes have on the results.8
As is well known, taxes and transfers reduce income inequality through redistribution, but by how much? As figure 3 shows, the GINI coefficient for market income in 2011 was 0.436. Adding transfers reduced inequality such that the GINI estimate for total income declined to 0.355 (a 19 percent decrease in the GINI coefficient). Adding taxes reduced the GINI coefficient to 0.313 (a 12 percent decrease). Together, taxes and transfers decreased inequality by 28 percent from its market-income level.
Figure 4 shows the point reduction in the GINI coefficients associated with taxes and transfers for the period from 1976 to 2011 (these are estimates of R, Rt and Rb, described earlier). Our results reflect those in earlier studies on redistribution in Canada. Total redistribution peaked in around 1994, following waves of increasing redistribution starting in the early 1980s. In 1994, redistribution through taxes and transfers reduced the GINI coefficient by 0.142, which was about one-third the size of the market income GINI. The GINI reduction from transfers was larger, at 0.099, while the GINI reduction from taxes was 0.043. After 1994, however, government redistribution declined, mainly due to a reduction in transfer redistribution. This decline resulted in part from the improving economy (and increased market incomes) following the 1990-92 recession, but, as noted earlier, tax-and-transfer programs changed in such a way that redistribution would have declined even in the absence of an economic recovery.
These results reflect the now well-known storyline regarding the evolution of inequality and redistribution in Canada over this period. Market income inequality ratcheted up â that is, it rose without later falling â during the economic downturns of 1981-82 and 1990-92. Total redistribution also rose during these recessions, although it remained at a higher level after the end of the 1980s recession but fell following the 1990s recession. It was during the period of 1994 through 2000, when market inequality remained high and total redistribution through taxes and transfers fell, that aftertax inequality rose. Through the 2000s, at least up to 2008, market income inequality remained high but âflat,â with only a small uptick in 2009 and 2010 that appears to have been offset completely by increased transfer redistribution.
Looking separately at transfers and taxes, this storyline closely reflects the changes in transfer redistribution. Although a steady increase in redistribution through the tax system occurred between 1982 and 2000, the changes in redistribution through transfers appear to be the principal factor behind the changes in total redistribution.
Figures 5 and 6 show the results for the overall redistributive effect and progressivity of the transfer and tax system, as derived from equations (4), (6), (7) and (9) in appendix A. The line for transfer redistribution in figure 5a is the same as the middle line shown in figure 4. Changes in total transfer redistribution appear to be mainly associated with changes in the average benefit rate (figure 5b).9 Periods of high average benefits coincide with periods of high redistribution. At the same time, there is a marked pattern in progressivity, with the full transfer system becoming steadily more progressive over the 1980s and 1990s, and peaking in 2000 before falling through 2011 (figure 5c).
Figure 6 shows the effects of the tax system. Again, figure 6a for tax redistribution corresponds to the bottom line in figure 4. What is new in this figure is the information on how the redistribution through the tax system derives from the average tax rate (figure 6b) and tax progressivity (figure 6c). The evolution of redistribution from taxes can be divided into three periods:
We can confirm these observations by decomposing the redistributive effects of transfers and taxes to identify the part associated with changes in progressivity and the part associated with changes in average benefits and tax rates before and after 1995 â see equation (10) in appendix A. The results of this exercise are shown in table 1. We find that, between 1976 and 1995 â the year Frenette, Green and Milligan (2009) identify as the most redistributive â about nine-tenths of the increase in transfer redistribution was associated with changes in average benefits. Likewise, three-quarters of the increase in tax redistribution between 1976 and 1995 was associated with increases in the average tax rate. During the second half of the period, transfer redistribution fell, again with about nine-tenths of this due to changes in average benefits. For taxes, the net change in tax redistribution was small between 1995 and 2011 (ĂąËâ 0.003), reflecting a decrease in tax redistribution due to a falling average tax rate (ĂąËâ 0.009), which was mostly offset by an increase in redistribution due to rising progressivity (0.007).
Looking at the components of transfer and tax redistribution, figure 7 shows the redistributive effects of specific transfers, and reveals a variety of levels and patterns. Ranked in order of magnitude in 2011, redistributive effects were greatest for the OAS/GIS and CPP/QPP programs. Child benefits were the next largest, though at an order of magnitude lower. EI, social assistance and other government transfers represented a third, lower grouping of transfers, in terms of the size of their redistributive effect.
The redistributive effects of these transfers have changed over time, with CPP/QPP and child benefits becoming more redistributive, while EI and especially social assistance have become less redistributive since the early and mid-1990s. The overall increase in transfer redistribution from 1976 through the mid-1990s appears to have been based on increases across all transfer programs, with each transfer grouping in figure 7 becoming more redistributive during that period. The fall in redistribution following the mid-1990s appears to have been the result of reductions in redistribution through social assistance and EI (other transfers do not appear to have fallen so significantly after 1993, although we note a decline in redistribution from OAS/GIS).10 The increase in redistribution in 2009 and 2010 appears to some degree in all transfer groups, although the increases are largest in EI, social assistance and âother transfers.âÂ
Figures 8 and 9 show the progressivity index and the average benefit rate for separate transfers (or groups of transfers) â the two components of equation (8). Figure 8 indicates a wide range in the levels of progressivity of transfers. In 2011, social assistance benefits were the most progressive, followed, in order, by OAS, child benefits, âother transfers,â CPP/QPP and EI. Figure 8 also shows that the level of progressivity of transfers has changed very little for most transfers since 1976. The exception was child benefits, which became steadily more progressive over the period from 1976 to 2003, with a small decrease in progressivity afterwards. Over that period, child benefit programs changed several times, with newer programs typically targeted more toward lower-income recipients. For example, in 1993, the Family Allowance program was replaced by the means-tested Child Tax Benefit, and in 1998, the Working Income Supplement, which was available only to low-income working families, was replaced by the National Child Benefit Supplement, which is available to all low-income families. Such changes would be expected to have led to an increase in the progressivity of child benefits over the period.
Figure 9 shows the average benefit rate for different transfers or groups of transfers. The figure clearly indicates that changes in redistribution from transfers are more strongly related to changes in the average size of the benefit. Most large movements in redistribution in figure 7 mirror movements in the average size of the transfer, rather than changes in the progressivity of the transfer. The exception once again is child benefits, where the increase in the redistributive effect appears due in large part to an increase in the progressivity of these benefits.
We can demonstrate this finding more formally by variance decomposition. As represented in equation (11) in appendix A, the variance in transfer redistribution over the period was due to the variance in benefit rates, plus the variance in transfer progressivity plus twice the covariance in these terms. The decomposition results reported in table 2 indicate that the variance of redistribution is associated nearly entirely with variations in average benefit rates for all transfers with the exception of child benefits. For child benefits, the variance in redistribution is associated more strongly with changes in progressivity.
Together, figures 7, 8 and 9 help to illustrate how the average size of a transfer combines with its progressivity to yield a level of redistribution. For example, the OAS/GIS is slightly smaller than the CPP/QPP (based on average benefit rates), but because it is more progressive, it yields a larger redistribution effect. Social assistance, despite having the highest level of progressivity, has a comparatively small average benefit rate, and so its effect on overall inequality is smaller than another transfer that might be less progressive but is larger. The figures also show how changes in the progressivity of a transfer can lead to more redistribution without changing the size of the transfer. Child benefits, which had an average benefit rate equivalent to about 1.5 percent of market income between 1987 and 2004 (figure 9),11 became more progressive over the period (figure 8), which, in turn, led to a larger redistributive effect (figure 7).12
As indicated above, child benefits include several federal and provincial programs with different purposes and designs. Therefore, examining some of these separately can help describe the underlying income redistribution effects of child transfers. Specifically, we examine the results for three federally delivered child benefits: the Canada Child Tax Benefit, the National Child Benefit Supplement and the Universal Child Care Benefit. We expect each of these child benefits to have different levels of progressivity based on their respective program design â see appendix B for further details. The main parameters of these programs for the 2012 tax year were as follows:
The data in table 3 provide an empirical way to describe how total government transfers through child benefits reduce income inequality by more or less, depending on the size of the program and on how progressive it is. To sharpen the illustration of the effect of child benefits on income redistribution, we limit the sample to families with children ages 0 to 17.15 In terms of the average benefit rate, as the first column of table 3 shows, the Canada Child Tax Benefit was largest, representing 1.5 percent of market income for families with children. The National Child Benefit Supplement and the Universal Child Care Benefit were close in size, each representing 0.8 percent of market income for families with children. The second column shows the level of progressivity of the three child benefits, with the ranking falling out as expected: the National Child Benefit Supplement is the most progressive, the Canada Child Tax Benefit is second and the Universal Child Care Benefit is the least progressive. The final column of table 3 shows the amount by which the transfer reduced inequality. This estimate reflects the combined effect of the progressivity index and the benefit rate (equation (8)). Redistribution was highest for the Canada Child Tax Benefit, followed by the National Child Benefit Supplement and then the Universal Child Care Benefit. Thus, although the Universal Child Care Benefit and National Child Benefit Supplement were of similar size in 2011, the latter was more progressively distributed, yielding a greater reduction in inequality.
Unfortunately, in the SCF and SLID, total income taxes are only disaggregated into federal and provincial taxes separately from 1998 onward. As a result, we are unable to illustrate as clearly as for transfers the evolution of tax redistribution and progressivity by tax type.16 Nonetheless, we can summarize our results as follows:
In sum, the same pattern emerges for federal and provincial taxes as for taxes overall. Average tax rates (both federal and provincial) fell and progressivity rose over the 2000s, yielding little change in redistribution from taxes.
In our analysis so far, we have presented stylized facts on the levels of redistribution from survey microdata. One result that has come to light is that important changes have occurred in the levels of redistribution in Canada since the mid-1970s. Although we have made some effort to unpack these aggregate changes by relating them to changes in particular benefits or taxes, the trends we have observed also might have been driven in part by changes in the underlying market income distribution and/or demographics, such as the share of the population over age 65. In order to test to what extent changes in transfer programs in and of themselves are responsible for observed trends in income redistribution, we use the SPSD/M to simulate what post-transfer and post-tax incomes would have been if population and market income characteristics had held constant. For our purposes, the model holds the population constant at its 2004 characteristics; we then apply the parameters of the tax-and-transfer system for the period from 1991 to 2010 to this fixed population to yield simulated post-transfer and post-tax distributions. The resulting changes in redistribution then reflect only the effects due to changes in policy and programs, not those resulting from changes in the economy and demographics. Unfortunately, however, the SPSD/M does not model social assistance or CPP/QPP benefits, an important shortcoming considering their importance in post-transfer distribution. Therefore, rather than model transfer redistribution overall, we model only those transfers that are estimated by the SPSD/M â namely, OAS/GIS, EI and child benefits.
Figure 10 presents the results for OAS/GIS. The âactualâ redistribution and average benefit rate series show strong cyclical fluctuations, rising during the early 1990s and falling in the postrecession period. The modelled series for redistribution and average benefit rates are flat after 1991, the first year of the simulation. Both the actual and modelled estimates of OAS/GIS progressivity are also flat. From this, we can conclude that fluctuations in GIS/OAS over the period (at least, post-1991) were more strongly associated with changes in the underlying population â that is, with changes in their demographic and market income situationsâ than with changes in program parameters.17
Figure 11 shows the results for EI. Here, both the actual and modelled redistribution and average benefit rate series move together, indicating that a good part of the decrease in redistribution through EI, at least after 1991, was associated with changes in EI program parameters. For example, actual redistribution through EI fell from 0.017 in 1991 to 0.008 in 1999 (down 0.009). Holding population characteristics constant (including their employment and unemployment characteristics), modelled redistribution fell from 0.014 to 0.008 over the same period (down 0.006). Since, in the modelled series, only program parameters are allowed to change from year to year, we can conclude that about two-thirds of the decline in EI redistribution over the 1990s was associated with changes in program parameters. Most of the decline occurred as a result of reductions in the average benefit level, as in both the actual and modelled series the progressivity indicators showed little change.
Figure 12 shows results for child benefits. Redistribution rises strongly in the post-1991 period in both the actual and modelled series. Similar trends in progressivity occur in both series. Modelled estimates of progressivity in child benefits show a larger discrete âjumpâ than actual estimates between 1992 and 1993, the year the Child Tax Benefit and Working Income Supplement were introduced. Otherwise, the increase in the progressivity of these benefits from the early 1990s to the early 2000s is preserved in both series, indicating that observed trends were due to program changes, rather than to changes in the characteristics of the underlying population. There are small differences in average benefit rates in the actual and modelled series, with the latter series showing more growth. This suggests that changes in child benefit programs increased average (statutory) child benefit rates more over the period than suggested in the raw data, but this was masked by downward pressure on the effective benefit rate associated with the improving economy in the mid- to late 1990s.
Simulations of tax redistribution are shown in figure 13. The simulated redistribution and simulated average tax rate are quite similar to their actual values, except that the levels of these variables are higher in the simulation in the early to mid-1990s, reflecting the reduction in actual tax revenues during the early 1990s recession. The results for modelled progressivity confirm the results from the survey microdata: both show an increase in the progressivity of the tax system after 1991 (the modelled results lie nearly on top of the actual values). Overall, the results of the tax-modelling exercise indicate that the observed trends in tax redistribution are associated mainly with changes in tax policy, rather than with changes in the characteristics of the population or in the economy, especially in the post-2000 period.
A closer look at the results from the SPSD/M allows us to describe more fully the changes in the progressivity of the tax system. Figure 14 shows the average tax rate by centile of total income for 1991 and 2010 derived from the SPSD/M.18 Since results are generated using fixed population characteristics, the differences in average tax rates between the two years shown in figure 14 are due strictly to changes in the tax system. Average tax rates fell between 1991 and 2010 across the entire income distribution. Figure 14 also shows the ratio of the 2010 rate to the 1991 rate. At the bottom of the income distribution, the 2010 tax rate averaged 25 percent of the 1991 tax rate (aside from higher values for the 1st to 3rd centiles). Between the 20th and 40th centiles, the 2010 rates averaged 55 percent of the 1991 rates. Above the 40th centile, the 2010 rates averaged 73 percent of the 1991 rates. In sum, the results shown in figure 14 indicate that the tax system became more progressive between 1991 and 2010 because, although tax rates fell across the income distribution, they fell more at the bottom than at the top.
As described in Davies (2013), and in appendix B, a number of changes in the federal and provincial income tax systems occurred over this period. Some of these changes may have increased progressivity, while others may have reduced it, and further study would be needed to determine their individual effects. Among more recent changes, since 2001, the federal government has reduced tax rates in all brackets, but especially in the lowest bracket, from 17 percent to 16 percent in 2001 and then to 15 percent in 2005. These recent changes in the rate structure would have increased the progressivity of the personal income tax system.
The SPSD/M also allows us to model the progressivity and redistributive effects of payroll taxes, which we have excluded from the analysis so far. (For our purposes, payroll taxes include employee contributions to CPP/QPP and EI.) Results for 2010 are shown in table 4. The results for federal and provincial income taxes combined are as shown in figure 13. What is new in this table is the addition of federal payroll taxes. As expected, federal payroll taxes are regressiveâ that is, the progressivity index is negative (ĂąËâ0.059) â meaning that individuals with lower income pay a larger share of their income in payroll taxes, mainly due to the relatively low maximum pensionable/insurable earnings ceilings for contributions under these programs. These payroll taxes are comparatively small, however, at 3.3 percent of total income, compared with 16.2 percent for federal and provincial taxes combined. Thus, their redistributive effect is negative and increases income inequality, but by a small amount. The final row of table 4 shows that payroll taxes reduce the overall progressivity of the income tax system, but have little effect on its redistributive effect.
The tax-and-transfer system is an important tool that governments may use to redistribute income, and this in turn can influence the level or trend of income inequality. In looking at changes in income inequality and redistribution in Canada from 1976 to 2011, we find (as have other authors) that the cumulative increases in market income inequality that occurred during the recessions of the 1980s and 1990s were completely offset by a tax-and-transfer system that became more redistributive over this period. As a result, there was no increase in aftertax income inequality up to 1995. This pattern changed during the second half of the 1990s. Market income inequality remained at the higher levels reached in the earlier recession, but the tax-and-transfer system became less redistributive and aftertax income inequality increased as a consequence. In the 2000s, aftertax household income inequality more or less stabilized as market income inequality and overall redistribution held steady up until the most recent recession. The resulting small rise in market income inequality in 2009-10, however, was once again offset by an increase in transfer redistribution in those years.
Total redistribution through taxes and transfers reached its highest point in 1994, following waves of increasing redistribution during the early 1980s and early 1990s. In 1994, taxes and transfers reduced income inequality by about one-third of its pre-tax-and-transfer level, as measured by the GINI coefficient. In the 2000s, government redistribution reduced market income inequality by about 28 percent, an amount similar to that seen in the 1980s.
In looking at the redistribution generated by individual taxes and transfers, we find that, on the transfer side, aggregate trends were associated with many changes in individual transfer programs:
The progressivity of taxes and transfers also plays an important role in redistributing income. Progressivity measures tell us how âtargetedâ a transfer or tax is toward particular segments of the income distribution. A progressive transfer provides more benefits to lower-income individuals, while a progressive tax imposes a higher tax rate on those with higher incomes. Indices of progressivity, both for the tax-and-transfer system overall and for individual taxes and transfers, provide some interesting insights into the ways in which government redistribution has evolved since the mid-1970s:
We should note, in conclusion, that transfers and taxes are designed with a number of objectives aside from their effect on aggregate income inequality. As such, our analysis was not intended to be an evaluation of these programs. Nevertheless, we believe that measurements of program progressivity speak to issues of targeting and program size that could be useful in policy development and evaluation. For example, a consideration of the connection between progressivity and redistribution would help policy-makers determine where in the tax-and-transfer system a given-sized intervention would yield the greatest redistributive impact.
Kakwani (1977, 1984) defines progressivity as divergences from -proportionality. As shown in figure A1a, Kakwani indicates that, if a tax is proportional, the tax concentration curve â the cumulative share of taxes paid by persons sorted by pretax income â coincides with the Lorenz curve for pretax income. If the tax is progressive, the tax concentration curve lies outside the Lorenz curve. Thus, Kakwani’s first insight is that the area between the Lorenz curve for pretax income and the tax concentration curve represents a measure of tax progressivity. In figure A1a, the progressivity index is equal to twice the area between the concentration curve for taxes and the Lorenz curve for total income.
In algebraic terms, the progressivity of a tax (Pt) equals Ct â GT, where Ct is the concentration coefficient (measured analogously to the GINI) of the tax:
To provide a numerical example of how this works, the GINI coefficient corresponding to figure A1a is twice the area between the Lorenz curve for total income and the equality line, which, in 2011, was 0.355. Analogously, the concentration index of taxes â the area between the tax concentration curve and the equality line â was 0.581. Thus, the progressivity index for taxes in 2011 was 0.226. All else being equal, an increase in the progressivity of taxes would shift the tax concentration curve further away from the equality line, which would increase the tax concentration index, and hence the progressivity index.
In Kakwani’s measurement system, the progressivity index, P, is also related to R, the term that describes total redistribution. Intuitively, the size of the redistribution index, R, depends on the overall size of the tax or transfer benefit and on the progressivity with which those taxes or benefits are distributed. Referring first to taxes, the relationship between the amount of redistribution generated by a tax, Rt, the average size of a tax as a proportion of total income, t, and the progressivity of the tax, Pt, is approximately:
To continue with the numerical example from above, the average tax rate, t, for 2011 was calculated to be 0.161. The right side of equation (5) then would compute to EQUATION IN TEXT As indicated in equation (5), the relationship is approximate, and the actual value of Rt for 2011 was 0.042.19
Lambert (1985) and Kim and Lambert (2009) provide a similar framework for transfers.20Â Figure A1b shows the corresponding concentration curves for transfers. As before, if the transfer is proportional across the market income distribution, the concentration curve of the transfer lies on the same line as the Lorenz curve for market income. Given that income transfers are disproportionately delivered to lower-income recipients, the concentration curve for transfers lies above the Lorenz curve for market income â indeed, it lies above the âline of equality.â The more progressive a transfer (here âprogressiveâ also means âreduces -inequalityâ), the further from the market income Lorenz curve the concentration curve lies, providing a useful index for its progressivity (now using the subscript b for benefits):
In figure A1b, the progressivity index is again equal to twice the area between the concentration curve for transfers and the Lorenz curve for market income.
Using the approximation provided in equation (8), we can then decompose changes in transfer redistribution between year (â) and year (ââ) using the equation
In this simple decomposition, a change in the level of redistribution from benefits can be divided into a component associated with changes in progressivity (the first term on the right side of equation (10)) and a component associated with changes in the average benefits rate (the second term).
More generally, the variance of transfer redistribution over any period is due to the variance in benefit rates plus the variance in transfer progressivity plus twice the covariance in these terms. This can be demonstrated more formally by a variance decomposition suggested by equation (8). If we take the log transformation of equation (8), we can compute the components of the equation:
Similar decompositions can be done for redistribution from taxes.
Finally, we can define terms Rt, Pt, Rb and Pb for the full tax-and-transfer system, as well as for individual taxes and transfers (see Kim and Lambert 2009). For example, we can compute redistribution indices for child benefits by comparing the GINI of market income with the GINI of market income plus child benefits, and we can compute the progressivity index by comparing the GINI coefficient for market income with the concentration curve for child benefits. This approach allows us to define redistribution and progressivity indices for individual transfers and taxes.
A criticism of using the Kakwani approach for estimating the progressivity of individual taxes or transfers is found in Lerman and Yitzhaki (1985), who note that the results depend on the ordering of income sources. For example, one could compute the redistributive effect of a transfer, b, by comparing the GINI coefficient for market income, GM, with the GINI coefficient for income after the transfer is added in (GM + b), as we do in our main analysis, or by comparing the GINI coefficient for total income, GT, with the GINI coefficient for total income after the transfer is subtracted out (GT âb), or indeed some other ordering of transfers. Lerman and Yitzhaki develop an approach for estimating the marginal effect of a change in an income source on overall inequality. We conducted sensitivity analyses of our results with respect to the ordering of transfers and taxes, and found that this does not affect our results substantially (the results of these sensitivity analyses are available in Heisz and Murphy 2014).
In this appendix, we describe the taxes and transfer programs examined in the chapter, as well as some of the ways the programs have changed over the study period. Readers interested in more detail could refer to Davies (2013) or House of Commons Canada (2013) or any of the references cited in this appendix.
The CPP retirement pension provides a monthly benefit to eligible Canadians. The QPP is an equivalent plan operated in Quebec. The standard age to begin receiving the pension is 65. The two plans were implemented in 1966 and the first cohort to receive full CPP/QPP benefits turned 65 in 1976. To qualify, recipients must have made at least one valid contribution to the plan. In this chapter, income from the CPP/QPP includes the disability benefit, the survivor’s pension and the children’s benefit. CPP/QPP benefits are taxable as income and benefits are indexed to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The rising importance of CPP/QPP income since 1976 is a result of more recent larger cohorts of elderly people replacing older cohorts and by a dramatic increase in the proportion of women receiving their own public pension benefits (Myles 2000). The CPP/QPP has changed little over the years, and the amount received from this pension plan has not changed substantially across cohorts (LaRochelle-CĂŽtĂ©, Myles and Picot 2008).22
The OAS program is funded out of the general revenues of the federal government, so, unlike the CPP/QPP, recipients do not pay into it directly. It is available to most Canadians ages 65 and older,23 and the payment amount is determined by the number of years of residency in Canada (after age 18). OAS is considered taxable income, and is subject to a recovery tax (clawback) if individual net annual income is higher than the income threshold in effect ($70,954 in 2013). The GIS is a nontaxable benefit for persons with low income, and the benefit amount is based on marital status and level of income. The GIS includes the Spousal Allowance, a benefit available to spouses or common-law partners ages 60 to 64 of GIS recipients, and the Allowance for the Survivor, a benefit available to people with low income, living in Canada, ages 60 to 64, and whose spouse or common-law partner is deceased. OAS provided income to 96.5 percent of Canadians over age 64 in 2011. Aside from the introduction of the OAS clawback in 1989, which affects only a small proportion of seniors (Davies 2013), the OAS and GIS programs have not been affected by major policy changes in recent years, and benefits are CPI-adjusted every year (LaRochelle-CÎté, Myles and Picot 2008).
The EI program provides temporary financial assistance for individuals who are between jobs; who cannot work due to sickness, childbirth or parenting; and for those providing care to a family member who is gravely ill. It includes regular benefits, maternity and parental benefits, sickness benefits, compassionate care benefits, benefits for parents of critically ill children and fishing benefits. The EI program has undergone changes since the 1970s that have resulted in successive reductions in benefit levels and tightening of eligibility requirements (Finnie and Irvine 2011). Until 1996, âemployment insuranceâ was named âunemployment insurance.â
Social assistance consists of 13 different provincial and territorial systems for providing income of last resort. The systems differ across jurisdictions, but share a similar basic structure, such as providing for basic needs and imposing financial means tests. In the early 1990s, social assistance benefits declined following federal transfer reforms integrating the Canada Assistance Plan into the Canadian Health and Social Transfer and the overhaul of welfare systems in several provinces (Frenette, Green and Milligan 2009), with the result that âeligibility rules have been tightened…and administrative procedures were toughenedâ (Banting 2005, 423). Following these changes, the use of social assistance declined (Finnie, Irvine and Sceviour 2005), and average benefit levels fell (Banting 2005).
Child benefit programs are intended to help cover the cost of child maintenance.24Â They comprise a set of federal and provincial programs that have undergone numerous changes over the past several decades. Those in place during our study period are as follows:
In the 2015 federal budget, the Universal Child Care Benefit was increased for children under age 6 and a smaller amount was extended for children ages 6 to 17. The enhanced Universal Child Care Benefit will replace the Child Tax Credit.
In the SCF/SLID database, these programs are aggregated in one variable in all years, and disaggregated in separate variables from 1998 onward. The new Child Tax Credit is not included among child benefits in the SCF/SLID. Income from a number of provincial child benefit programs is also included in the SCF/SLID as part of an aggregated âProvincial Child Benefitsâ variable, and it is included in âchild benefitsâ in this chapter. Provinces have the flexibility to adjust social assistance benefits by an amount equivalent to the NCBS supplement, which could contribute to the trends observed in social assistance and child benefits.
âOther transfersâ includes a number of smaller transfers, plus the Working Income Tax Benefit, the GST credit, workersâ compensation and provincial tax credits.
Changes to the personal income tax system that are likely to have affected the size and progressivity of taxes are summarized in Davies (2013). These include:
Banting, K.G. 2005. âDo We Know Where We Are Going? The New Social Policy in Canada.â Canadian Public Policy 31 (4): 421-30.
Beach, C.M., and G.A. Slotsve. 1996. Are We Becoming Two Societies? Income Polarization and the Myth of the Declining Middle Class in Canada. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute.
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Davies, J.B. 2013. âRedistribution of Income: Policy Directions.â School of Public Policy Research Papers 6 (23). Calgary: University of Calgary.
Finnie, R., and I. Irvine. 2011. âThe Redistributional Impact of Canadaâs Employment Insurance Program, 1992-2002.â Canadian Public Policy 37 (2): 201-18.
Finnie, R., I. Irvine, and R. Sceviour. 2005. âSocial Assistance Use in Canada: National and Provincial Trends in Incidence, Entry and Exit.â Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper 245. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
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Heisz, A. 2007. âIncome Inequality and Redistribution in Canada: 1976 to 2004.â Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper 298. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Heisz, A., and B. Murphy. 2014. The Role of Taxes and Transfers in Reducing Income Inequality. Ottawa: Income Statistics Division, Statistics Canada.
House of Commons Canada. 2013. Income Inequality in Canada: An Overview. Report of the Standing Committee on Finance. James Rajotte, chair. Under the authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons. Accessed May 21, 2015.
Kakwani, N. 1977. âOn the Measurement of Tax Progressivity: An International Comparison.â Economic Journal 87 (345): 71-80.
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Kim, K., and P. Lambert. 2009. âRedistributive Effects of U.S. Taxes and Public Transfers, 1994-2004.â Public Finance Review 37 (1): 3-26.
Lambert, P.J. 1985. âOn the Redistributive Effect of Taxes and Benefits.â Scottish Journal of Political Economy 32 (1): 39-54.
LaRochelle-CĂŽtĂ©, S., J. Myles, and G. Picot. 2008. âIncome Security and Stability during Retirement in Canada.â Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper 306. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Lerman, R.L., and S. Yitzhaki. 1985. âIncome Inequality Effect by Income Source: A New Approach and Applications to the United States.â Review of Economics and Statistics 67 (1): 151-6.
Milligan, K. 2013. âIncome Inequality and Income Taxation in Canada: Trends in the Census 1980-2005.â School of Public Policy Research Papers 6 (24). Calgary: University of Calgary.
Murphy, B. 1998. âThe Impacts of Changing Tax/Transfer Systems on the Lifetime Distribution of Net Taxes: 1984 to 1995.â In Government Finances and Generational Equity, edited by M. Corak. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
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MontrĂ©al â Les impĂŽts et les programmes de transfert jouent un rĂŽle clĂ© pour ce qui est de rĂ©duire les inĂ©galitĂ©s de revenu au Canada, souligne une nouvelle Ă©tude de lâIRPP.
Dans un chapitre dâun ouvrage Ă paraĂźtre intitulĂ© Income Inequality: The Canadian Story, Andrew Heisz et Brian Murphy (de Statistique Canada) analysent quelle a Ă©tĂ© leur incidence redistributive au cours des 40 derniĂšres annĂ©es.
Ils rĂ©vĂšlent tout dâabord que lâaugmentation cumulative de lâinĂ©galitĂ© des revenus du marchĂ© lors des rĂ©cessions des annĂ©es 1980 et 1990 a Ă©tĂ© largement compensĂ©e par le systĂšme dâimposition et de transfert, dont le caractĂšre redistributif sâest renforcĂ© durant cette pĂ©riode. Mais les choses ont changĂ© dans la seconde moitiĂ© des annĂ©es 1990, qui a vu un recul de la redistribution assurĂ©e par les programmes de transfert gouvernementaux et une hausse des inĂ©galitĂ©s de revenu.
« En 2011, le systĂšme dâimposition et de transfert nâa permis quâune rĂ©duction de 28 p. 100 de lâinĂ©galitĂ© des revenus du marchĂ©, observent-ils, alors que cette rĂ©duction atteignait 33 p. 100 en 1994, au plus fort du processus de redistribution. »
Ce recul sâexpliquerait surtout par lâimportante baisse des taux de prestations dâaide sociale et dâassurance-emploi, qui ont suivi les compressions budgĂ©taires au cours des annĂ©es 1990. Tout de mĂȘme, les effets des divers programmes de transfert se sont fait sentir de diffĂ©rentes façons au cours des annĂ©es. Les RPC/RRQ et les prestations pour enfants sont ainsi devenus plus redistributifs, et les programmes pour aĂźnĂ©s (RPC/RRQ et SV/SRG) ont aujourdâhui le plus fort impact sur la rĂ©duction des inĂ©galitĂ©s de revenu.
Les auteurs notent que lâeffet redistributif dâun programme dâimposition ou de transfert dĂ©pend de son ampleur et de sa progressivitĂ© (soit dans quelle mesure les transferts ciblent les personnes Ă faible revenu et que lâimpĂŽt augmente selon le revenu). Si bien que mĂȘme si son ampleur est lĂ©gĂšrement moindre que celle du programme RPC/RRQ, le programme SV/SRG contribue davantage Ă rĂ©duire les inĂ©galitĂ©s parce quâil est plus progressif.
Ăvidemment, lâampleur dâun programme reste trĂšs importante : « Lâincidence redistributive dâun programme trĂšs progressif peut sâamoindrir si le taux de prestations diminue. Lâaide sociale, par exemple, Ă©tait lâun des programmes les plus redistributifs jusquâĂ ce que son taux de prestations moyen nâamorce sa descente, et il est aujourdâhui le moins redistributif de tous. »
Heisz et Murphy montrent aussi que lâincidence redistributive des impĂŽts a peu Ă©voluĂ©. Depuis 2000, le taux dâimposition moyen a sensiblement diminuĂ©, mais surtout dans les tranches de revenu infĂ©rieures. Autrement dit, le systĂšme fiscal est devenu plus progressif, compensant ainsi la rĂ©duction des taux.
Si lâĂ©laboration des programmes dâimposition et de transfert doit rĂ©pondre Ă dâautres objectifs que la seule rĂ©duction des inĂ©galitĂ©s, concluent les auteurs, une meilleure comprĂ©hension des liens entre progressivitĂ© et redistribution aidera les dĂ©cideurs Ă dĂ©terminer quels changements permettraient de mieux freiner lâinĂ©galitĂ© croissante des revenus.
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Renseignements : Shirley Cardenas tél. : 514 594-6877 scardenas@nullirpp.org