Événement IRPP

Coordinating Performance in International Trade and Human Rights

The Peter A. Allard School of Law (University of British Columbia) and the Institute for Research on Public Policy hosted a policy round table on “Coordinating Performance in International Trade and Human Rights.”

This workshop was an opportunity to discuss the results of a seven-year research project on coordination of international treaty compliance in trade and human rights and its policy implications. The project was supported by the Major Collaborative Research Initiative program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and brought together researchers from Canada, Japan, China, India, Indonesia, Australia and Israel to examine the relationships between international trade policy and human rights performance. Following summary presentations on research results linking trade policy with the human rights themes of development, poverty/inequality, health rights, labour relations and government accountability, the participants discussed the policy implications and responses.

This workshop was part of a series of international consultations.

Date et heure
Type d’événement
Table ronde
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